Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Relative Deprivation

Politics today works hand in hand with relative deprivation. Our politicians, primarily on the left, foster it, encourage it and then use it to their own advantage. Relative deprivation, a term used by sociologists, can be described as the state in which a person who is lacking something believes they are entitled to it simply because others have it. It is a condition as old as mankind and has probably been capitalized on since the time man began living in organized settlements.

Relative deprivation gives oxygen to the concept of social justice. Social justice is nothing more than a buzzword of the left to encourage class divisions. It is also a gift that never stops giving. Because relative deprivation is, just that, relative, they could never run out of social injustices. The people always have voids to fill, and what they are hungry for is always something that do not yet have but others may . Yes, the poor will always be with us if the goal post is constantly moved.

Social justice folklore tells us we have rights to many things. Rights to shelter, food, safety, employment, etc. The ever growing list is now inclusive of health care. Common sense would tell you, something that is required to be produced through effort and creativity can never be a right.

In a free society with fluid classes it is the height of irresponsibility and short-sightedness to foster these illusions for political gain. Of course, we have two segments of the political class that are guilty of doing just that. The first would be the actual true believers and the second would be those who do not really believe it, think about it or the ramifications but they know it substitutes for real ideas and solutions. Neither politician has a place in the United States of America.Unfortunately our halls of government are littered with such people starting from the highest office. In short, we have a government of rabble rousers.

1 comment:

  1. wow, I didnt realize there was a word for it. Thank you for the education. I was familiar with the concept just not the term.

    I would like to repost if you do not mind
